Hi, I'm Kimberly Morrison
If you are a teacher and you want to get organized,
you're in the right place.
This my 23rd year teaching and I love it as much as I did my first year teaching. When I started, I moved into a classroom in which the teacher had retired. She left all her junk in the cabinets and it was overwhelming. I didn’t know where to start. Eventually I went through it all and got rid of everything I didn’t need, but I wish I had a plan and a system in place.
Over the last 23 years, I’ve worked on systems and procedures in the classroom so I can come home to my family and make sure my classroom is organized and my work is done before leaving school.
I know what it’s like to be able to leave work at 3:30
and not have to pack a bag of work to take home.
But it wasn't always this way...
I used to spend hours before and after school every day planning, prepping, and getting ready for the day. It took me twice as long because I would start one project, get distracted, and move on to the next, never really finishing any. When I left work, I always felt like there was more to do. Now, by spending a few minutes each day and going through my systems, I stay on top of the paperwork, the copies, the planning, and the grading. When I leave for the day or the weekend, I’m done until I return.

It's not your fault you're working so many hours and never seem to finish
Teaching has always been a profession where there is always something else that needs to be done. As teachers, we need systems and procedures to help us get everything done. If you sign up for my 5 day challenge, you will get started on transforming your space and starting the process and we’ll talk about some systems to help you stay organized.
I can help you get and stay organized so you spend less time at school.
If you're anything like me, you want...
- a neat, tidy, organized, classroom you enjoy spending time in
- to find what you need, when you need it
- to get home earlier and spend time with your family
That’s why I created the 5 Day Organization Challenge to help you get organized.

Let's Go!
It’s time to get busy and get organized!
What most people don’t know is that getting and staying organized will save you time and energy in the long run.
Sign up below for the 5 Day Organization Challenge.